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Home News Celebrating the literary achievement of Grace Ji-Sun Kim.

Celebrating the literary achievement of Grace Ji-Sun Kim.

7 Aug 2024

In July, Whitley College was thrilled to welcome Grace Ji-Sun Kim, all the way from Indiana, USA. Grace was on a speaking tour in Melbourne, to promote her new book, ‘When God Became White: Dismantling Whiteness for a More Just Christianity’. Her book explores how Western Christians think about God as a white male, and how that image has been dismantled over time. She considers the harmful impact the distorted view of God has had on the world and shows what it looks like to recover the biblical reality of a nonwhite, nongendered God. Read more here. 

Grace presented Darrell and the Whitley team with her new book. Copies were also purchased for the Whitley Library. The hospitality continued with a lovely dinner and conversation with Grace, Whitley staff, and friends. We congratulate Grace on her literary achievement and look forward to another visit soon.


More about Grace Ji_Sun Kim

Grace Ji-Sun Kim (Ph.D. University of St. Michael’s College) was born in Korea, educated in Canada and now teaches in the USA as Professor of Theology at Earlham School of Religion, Richmond, Indiana. She is the author or editor of 24 books, most recently, When God Became White,Suffering GodInvisible, and Spirit Life.

Kim is the host of Madang podcast which is sponsored by the Christian Century. She blogs on her substack: Loving Life: Loving Life and has written for Huffington Post, The Nation, Sojourners, Baptist News Global, Faith and Leadership and TIME. Kim has appeared on MSNBC, PBS and C-Span. She has been a guest on BBC Radio, Soul Search Radio, WBEZ Radio, and Keep Hope Alive Radio. She is an ordained PC(USA) minister and enjoys being a guest preacher on most Sundays. She is a book series Co-Editor for Palgrave Macmillan Series, “Asian Christianity in the Diaspora,” and has served on the American Academy of Religion’s Board of Directors.

Kim is honored to be included in the Englewood Review of Book‘s list of “Ten Important Women Theologians That You Should Be Reading” and Sojourners included Kim as one of “8 Christian Women Shaping the Church in 2023.”

Eerdmans included her in their list of Five Great Women Scholars, and the Englewood Review of Books named her in their list of Ten Important Women Theologians You Should Be Reading.  ” Englewood Review of Book included Kim in their list of books to read under “Our God is Too White? Diversifying our Theology”.